Good morning! Or afternoon, evening, night, or whatever it is for your place and time. I really don't care as long as you're in good health. So, what's this? It's selections from my varie attempts to be an artist. I don't think it's too good, but then, I'm always the self-basher. My dream is--well, one of my dreams anyway--is to get a spot on Yerf. If you want to offer critiques--and by critiques I don't mean glaring compliments--send it to me! (To find out which e-mail address to use, see my bio; they're always changing.)
Coverall legal text: I, like any artist with half a brain, own the copyright to these pictures. However, the characters decipted within are � their respective owners; whether that's me, or someone else.
A scene from ARVI's Ravage, which I paraphrased and drew up. Origionally there was a handrail SpotKitty was leaning on, but erasing the line too soon and not noticing until I had colored in her arm grey where it was supposed to be black kinda made me scrap that. Also, I forgot to make Cyber's arm cybernetic. ::sigh:: Loaded 7/25/99.
Legal text: Cyber and SpotKitty are � theirselves. Characters used with psuedo-permission.
Ethan Hawke
The primary male member of The Five. This pic reminds me of the phrase: "Forewarned is forearmed." The soap-effect of the smudge tool was completely unintentional. Loaded 7/25/99.
Legal text: Ethan Hawke is � Michael Kieth. Used with permission.
Nerf guns + rabbits prone to hyperactivity = trouble.
This was going to be a drawn-out comic. But then I found out Ms. Hare was going to be gone for a week, and if I didn't send it ten days early, she wouldn't get it. So; here's the one frame that I finished. And I forgot to color in Kalhoun's eyes... whine... Loaded 9/6/99.
Legal text: Cyber the Hare and Kalhoun Something-or-other are � themselves. Cyber's permission was secured; Kalhoun's wasn't, I'm afraid. If you're reading this, no offense, 'K?
Shana 2
Me again. Here, I'm just playing with my Nidoran, Za'a. We've grown up together, so we're really close. OOC note, this pic was compucleaned but not colored. Loaded 08/02/99.
Arcpibtn Byainus Meaas!
Finally! A piccy of my male morph! Loaded November 18, 2000.
In loving memory of my Commodore 64, whose final fuse blew this July. We hardly knew ye.